This three-dozen coffee shop sells cooked food in addition to hot and cold drinks, and is popularly priced. It is a popular place for locals to eat. This kind of coffee shop is very common in Malaysia, which has become a popular local food culture.
Reviews of San Da Gen Kopitiam
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你有多久没给疲惫的身心放个假了?想不想一头扎进神秘雨林,再奔赴海滨小城,来一场感官全开的奇妙冒险?马来西亚的山打根,就是这么一个能满足你所有幻想的宝藏旅行地,快跟着我的脚步,开启这场独特的探秘之旅! 清晨,从如梦如幻的京那巴当岸河出发,经过两个多小时的车程,终于抵达热闹非凡的山打根市区。寄存好行李,刚好到了饭点,第一站必须冲向美食天堂——山打根中央巴刹。这里是美食与生活的汇聚地,尤其在榴莲季,空气中弥漫着浓郁醇厚的榴莲香气,挑上一个饱满圆润的榴莲,当场开吃,那软糯香甜的果肉在舌尖化开,瞬间点燃味蕾,幸福感爆棚! 填饱肚子后,前往Harbor Hall。它本身或许不是必打卡景点,但旁边的山打根打卡点可别错过,站在这里,随便一拍都是刷爆朋友圈的大片。接着,去三大羹餐厅享受一顿美味。注意啦,这里只收现金!不过别担心,提前做好准备就行。餐厅桌面能扫码看菜单,但还是得人工点单。他们家菜品基本不踩雷,只是椰子蛋糕略甜,塔类等待时间较长,建议提前询问。我们那次等了半小时以上,好在味道超赞,原本以为是奶油的白色部分,居然是棉花糖,新奇又好吃。 饭后沿着Malaysia Fountain漫步,感受当地悠闲惬意的生活节奏。随后踏上Sandakan Heritage Trail,这条小径串联起山打根的历史记忆,每一步都能触摸到这座城市的过往。路过William Pryer Monument,了解那段特殊的历史岁月,再一口气爬上100 stairs,虽然有点小累,但登顶后的成就感无与伦比。 紧接着来到Agnes Keith House,花15马币买票入场,屋内陈设原汁原味地还原了过去的生活场景,让你沉浸式体验历史文化。最后,重点推荐Sandakan Rotary Observation Pavilion,在这里,你能将山打根的全貌尽收眼底,一边是波光粼粼的大海,海浪轻拍海岸;另一边是色彩斑斓的房子错落有致地排列着,宛如童话世界。从雨林到城市,从自然到人文,山打根的每一处风景都让人陶醉。 需要提醒大家的是,山打根很多地方消费都以现金为主,信用卡和支付宝不太好使,所以一定要多备些现金,不然结账时尴尬的就是自己啦! 山打根,这座融合了雨林神秘与城市魅力的小城,无论是探秘自然还是感受人文,都能给你独一无二的旅行体验。别再犹豫,收拾行囊,来山打根开启一场属于你的精彩冒险吧!#创作激励计划瓜分万元现金
#创作激励计划瓜分万元现金 🌍【探秘马来西亚的宝藏小城:山打根】山打根,这座隐匿在马来西亚的迷人小城,宛如一颗未经雕琢的璞玉,散发着独特的魅力。当你踏入这片土地,一场精彩纷呈的旅行便拉开了帷幕。 🌟山打根古迹行,穿越时光的奇妙之旅来到山打根城区,那不容错过的,必然是山打根古迹行。旅程从山打根大酒店旁的嘉美清真寺开启,沿着地图以及地面上那清晰的指引脚印,仿佛步入了一条时光回廊,百年历史的建筑依次映入眼帘。🎨一步步爬上那长长的彩绘百步梯,只为亲眼目睹《风下之乡》作者AGNES KEITH曾经居住过的房屋,想象着当年她在这里生活的模样;🍹在English tea house and restaurant寻一处靠窗的位置,点上一杯鲜榨果汁,悠然自得地眺望无垠的大海,感受海风的轻抚;⛪去欣赏婆罗洲最古老的教堂之一,那古老的建筑风格诉说着岁月的故事;再探寻隐匿在山坡上的观音庙,于静谧之中感受信仰的力量。每到达一处古迹,都会有详尽的牌匾进行讲解,这种打卡模式实在是太赞了!清晰易懂不说,还充满了趣味性,真希望各地文旅都能借鉴起来! 🚶♂️徒步难度揭秘总时长大约2.5小时,路程大多较为平坦,不过爬坡和爬楼梯是免不了的。部分路段没有荫凉遮挡,强烈的阳光毫无保留地洒下,所以一定要做好防晒措施,别让晒伤破坏了旅行的好心情。 🍱美食盛宴,舌尖上的山打根【三大羹】这里可不只是一家普通的甜品咖啡店,主打甜品咖啡的同时,还有椰浆饭、叻沙等传统美食。每一口都能让你品尝到马来西亚的独特风味,甜的、辣的、香的,各种滋味交织在舌尖。【simsim90】 simsim海鲜街可是当地的老网红了。我们选择的simsim90就在simsim88隔壁,老板是会讲粤语的华人哦。这里没有菜单,全靠老板热情介绍。一开始还担心会踩坑,没想到端上桌的海鲜新鲜无比,价格也十分公道。尤其是那道咸蛋黄炒蟹,味道绝了,堪称我在东马吃过最美味的一顿饭!吃饭时,看着海上落日缓缓落下,海风轻轻拂过脸颊,惬意得让人陶醉。【 simsim H84】皮蛋饺、弹弓面是这里的特色招牌。后来在亚庇也尝过类似的,可跟他家比起来,简直是天壤之别。【bistro88】这是在Google maps上随便找的一家评分高的店,没想到竟给了我们一个大大的惊喜,每一道菜都好好吃。特别是他家的三色拉茶,浓郁的茶香在口中散开,让人回味无穷。【传统炸肉大粉】这可是一家开了几十年的老店,保留着最纯正的古早味。连当地的华人司机都对它赞不绝口,关键是价格超级亲民,一碗粉才6块钱,当作早餐再合适不过了,吃完胃里暖暖的,很舒服。不过要注意,这边店铺的开门时间不太固定,出发前一定要提前查阅Google map,可别白跑一趟。 🚕便捷交通,畅行山打根在山打根出行,grab非常方便,就像有一个随叫随到的专属司机,轻松带你抵达想去的地方。 📅行程规划建议总体而言,山打根城区逛一天时间就足够了。所以,强烈建议将它与雨林之行拼接起来。⏱️要是时间比较紧迫,不妨去离市区仅30分钟车程的sepilok,在那里,你可以近距离观赏红毛猩猩、长鼻猴、马来熊,感受大自然的神奇与美妙。🌳要是你热衷于雨林徒步,RDC雨林探索中心以及下面的植物园绝对是你的不二之选。RDC还开放了夜行活动,当地有旅社以及司机提供包车服务,选择多多,任你挑选。#朋友圈被问爆的地方 #周末去哪儿 #城市人文手记 #国内浪漫旅行地
🇲🇾 Treasure Town in Malaysia: Sandakan ❤ Recommended reason: When you come to Sandakan City, you must experience the Sandakan Monument. 🌟 Highlights: From the Jiamei Mosque next to the Shandagen Hotel, follow the map and the guide footprints on the ground all the way through the buildings with a history of hundreds of years: 👍 Most recommended: climb up the long painted 100 steps ladder, see the house where AGNES KEITH, the author of "The Town under the Wind", Drink a glass of juice at English tea house and restaurant and look out at the sea! Appreciate one of the oldest churches in Borneo and the Guanyin Temple hidden on the hillside... Every time you go to a monument, there will be corresponding plaques to explain. I like this punch-in mode very much. It is clear and easy to understand and interesting (all places are learning from cultural tourism! ! Difficulty of hiking: the total time 2.5h, the road is relatively flat, but you need to climb and climb stairs, some areas are not shaded, and you need to do a good job of sun protection. 🍽 Food recommendation: [Three Big Sapporo] Mainly dessert coffee, there are also traditional foods such as coconut milk rice and sand [simsim90] simsim Seafood Street is said to be an old net red. The simsim90 we chose is next door to simsim88. It is a Chinese boss who can speak Cantonese. There is no menu. It depends on the boss! I thought there was a pit, but I didn't expect the seafood to be fresh and the price was fair, especially the salted egg yolk fried crab. It is the most beautiful meal I have eaten in Dongma! When I eat, I watch the sunset on the sea and blow the sea breeze. It is not too beautiful. [simsim H84] The preserved egg tarts and slingshot noodles are local characteristics. Later, I ate a family in Kota Kinabalu, which was completely inferior to his family. [bistro88] I just found a high-rated one on Google maps. It is delicious, especially his three salad tea. It is really rich! [Traditional fried meat powder] It is said that it has been open for decades. The local Chinese drivers are full of praise. The most important thing is that the price is cheap. A bowl of powder is only 6. Good for breakfast, very moist. It should be noted that the opening time of the store here is uncertain, check Google map in advance to avoid running in vain! 🚉 Traffic Raiders: grab is very convenient 📝 Note tips: Generally speaking, 1 day visit in Shandagen City is enough, so it is recommended to splice the rain forest trip: People with tight time can go to sepilok, a 30-minute drive from the city, and see the orangutans, long-nosed monkeys, and Malay bears up close. People who want to hike in the rainforest can also go to the RDC Rainforest Discovery Center and the botanical garden below. RDC has open night activities. Local hostels and drivers can choose from chartered cars! #Play outdoor #Outdoor Base Camp #A good place to relax #City Humanities Handbook #Creation Incentive Plan to divide 10,000 yuan in cash
🏨 From the Sandakan Hotel, we embarked on a journey through history. The minarets of the Jiamei Mosque shone in the sun, as if beckoning to us. 🕌️🚶♂️ Following the map and the guide footprints on the ground, we shuttled between the centuries-old buildings, each step was a tribute to the past. 🏰🌈 climbed the painted 100-step ladder, as if you could hear the whisper of AGNES KEITH, author of "Home under the Wind", who lived here and left countless stories. 🏡🍹 In English tea house and restaurant, we ordered a glass of juice, looked at the sea, and felt the breeze of the sea breeze. 🌊🏞️ One of the oldest churches in Borneo, and the Guanyin Temple hidden on the hillside, each monument has a plaque explanation, this punch-in mode is clear and interesting. 🏛️🍽️ Speaking of food, the desserts and coffee of the [three big] are endless, and traditional foods such as coconut milk rice and scorpion sand are even more delicious. 🥥🦀 [simsim90] The seafood is fresh and the price is fair. The salted egg yolk fried crab is simply the peak of Dongma's food! 🌅 How pleasant it is to watch the sunset on the sea, blow the sea breeze, and enjoy the food. 🍜 [simsim H84] The leather egg tarts and slingshot noodles are local characteristics, making people taste it. 🍲🥤 [bistro88]'s triserara tea is so rich that it is unforgettable, and every mouthful is full of happiness. 😋🍜 [Traditional fried meat powder], a bowl of powder only costs MYR 6, full of ancient flavor, is the best choice for breakfast. 🍝📍 It should be noted that the store opening time here is uncertain, check Google map in advance to avoid empty runs. 🔍🚖 In terms of transportation, grab taxi service is very convenient, making your journey easier. 🚗🌳 Shandagen City has enough time to visit in one day, but if you want a deeper rainforest experience, sepilok and RDC Rainforest Discovery Center are both good 🌳🌟 RDC Rainforest Discovery Center provides night activities to make you feel different adventures in the rainforest at night. 🌙🏞️ Whether it is a day's urban stroll or an adventure deep into the rainforest, Yamamoto can leave you unforgettable memories. 🌈 #Shandamotomoto adventure#Malaysia style#Sabah cuisine#Tropical rainforest tour
#Creation Incentive Program Partition 10,000 yuan in cash 1. Attractions to explore in Sandakan City, you must start a tour of monuments. From the Jiamei Mosque next to the Sandakan Hotel, follow the map and ground guide footprints, you will see many buildings with hundreds of years of history. Climb along the long painted 100 steps ladder to see the houses the author of "Hometown Under the Wind" AGNES KEITH once lived in. Drink a glass of juice at English tea house and restaurant and enjoy the beautiful view of the sea. There are also one of Borneo's oldest churches and monuments such as the Guanyin Temple hidden on the hillside. Each monument has a corresponding plaque explanation, this punch card mode is clear, easy to understand and interesting (all places should really learn!). Hiking difficulty: The total time of the whole trip is about 2.5 an hour. The roads are mostly flat, but they need to climb and climb stairs. Some areas are not shaded. You must do a good job of sun protection when you play. 2. Food recommendation • Three major: here is the main dessert coffee, there are also traditional foods such as coconut milk rice and sand. • simsim90: simsim Seafood Street is an old net red, simsim90 is next door to simsim88, the boss is a Chinese who can speak Cantonese, there is no menu, relying on the boss to introduce a la carte. The seafood is fresh and the price is fair, and the salted egg yolk fried crab is a must. It is the most delicious meal in Dongma! You can enjoy the sunset on the sea while eating, blowing the sea breeze, and it is very pleasant. • simsim H84: The leather egg tarts and slingshot noodles are local characteristics. The taste here is much better than the same one eaten in Kota Kinabalu. • bistro88: The score is very high on Google maps , the taste is superb, and the triserella tea is rich and delicious. • Traditional fried meat powder: This is an old store with a history of decades, full of ancient flavor, local Chinese drivers praise. The price is affordable, a bowl of powder is only about MYR 6, it is very suitable for breakfast. Note: The opening time of the store here is not fixed. It is recommended to check it on Google map in advance to avoid running out. 3. The average climate temperature of the climate and the traffic mountain root is warmer, and the annual temperature is between 23-32℃. Please pay attention to heat prevention and cooling measures when traveling. In terms of transportation, it is very convenient to use grab. Fourth, it is recommended to visit the city of Shandagen for 1 day. It is recommended to splice with the rainforest trip. If time is tight, you can go to sepilok, a 30-minute drive from the city, and you can watch the orangutans, long-nosed monkeys, and Malay bears up close. If you want to experience rainforest hiking, head to the RDC Rainforest Discovery Center and the Botanical Garden below, RDC also has open night activities, local hostels and driver charter services for you to choose from. There are many beautiful scenery here, whether it is monuments or natural landscapes are worth seeing, come to Shandagen to start a unique trip! #Malaysia Tourism #Sandagen